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8 Common LinkedIn SEO Mistakes That Could Be Costing You and How to Fix Them

8 Common LinkedIn SEO Mistakes That Could Be Costing You and How to Fix Them

In our previous post, “LinkedIn SEO in 2024: 10 Essential Tips to Optimize Your Company Page“, we explored the key strategies for building a strong and optimized LinkedIn presence. We established that a well-crafted company page can be a powerful tool for attracting new clients, building brand awareness, and fostering valuable connections.

But here’s the reality: even with a well-optimized page, there’s still room for improvement. Just like any SEO strategy, there are potential pitfalls that can hinder your visibility and engagement on LinkedIn. These mistakes, often unintentional, can prevent your company page from reaching its full potential.

The good news is that by identifying and rectifying these common missteps, you can significantly enhance your LinkedIn SEO. This blog post will act as your guide, highlighting the most frequent mistakes businesses make and providing actionable solutions to get your company page back on track.

By following these tips, you’ll not only solidify the foundation laid out in our previous post, but also elevate your LinkedIn SEO to new heights, maximizing the reach and impact of your company page.

8 Common LinkedIn SEO Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty! Here are some of the most common LinkedIn SEO mistakes businesses make, along with actionable solutions to get you back on the right track:

#1. Lack of Keyword Optimization:

Imagine this: a potential client searching for a “social media marketing agency” on LinkedIn. They’re bombarded with company pages, but none truly resonate because they lack relevant keywords. This is a classic case of missing out on targeted searches due to poor keyword optimization.

Many companies fail to incorporate relevant keywords into their company page profile. They might use generic terms like “marketing solutions” instead of more specific keywords like “content marketing” or “PPC advertising.” This makes it difficult for the right audience to find their page.

How to Fix It:

#1. Conduct Keyword Research: Tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush can help identify relevant keywords with high search volume and low competition.

Utilizing SEMrush to conduct keyword research as part of your LinkedIn SEO strategy

#2. Target a Mix of Broad and Specific Keywords: Include a mix of broader industry terms (e.g., “digital marketing agency”) and more specific keywords that target your unique offerings (e.g., “e-commerce marketing specialists”).

#3. Integrate Keywords Naturally: Don’t stuff keywords unnaturally. Weave them seamlessly into your company description, headlines, and content sections. Here’s an example:

Poor Keyword Integration: “We offer a variety of marketing solutions.”

Improved Keyword Integration: “At [Your Company Name], we’re a team of passionate digital marketing experts specializing in e-commerce marketing strategies to help businesses grow their online sales.”

By strategically incorporating relevant keywords, you make it easier for your target audience to discover your company page in their LinkedIn searches.

#2. Incomplete or Uninformative Company Page:

Think of your LinkedIn company page as your digital storefront on a professional platform. Just like a physical store with empty shelves and vague signage wouldn’t attract many customers, an incomplete or uninformative company page fails to capture the attention of potential clients or partners.

Many companies fall short by having incomplete sections or generic descriptions on their LinkedIn company page. Missing key information like company mission, services offered, or location makes it difficult for visitors to understand what your company does and why they should care.

How to Fix It:

#1. Complete All Essential Sections: Ensure all sections of your company page are filled out accurately and professionally. This includes your company description, website link, location, industry, and company size.

#2. Craft Compelling Descriptions: Don’t settle for generic one-liners. Utilize the description sections to showcase your company’s unique value proposition, mission statement, and key differentiators.

#3. Highlight Achievements and Awards: Have you won any industry awards or recognitions? Do you boast a team of accomplished professionals? Don’t be shy! Highlight these achievements to build trust and credibility with potential clients.

Here’s a quick checklist to ensure your company page is fully optimized:

1. Company Description: Compelling overview of your company’s mission, values, and offerings.

2. Website Link: Direct visitors to your company website for further information.

3. Location: Showcase your physical presence and cater to local searches.

4. Industry: Clearly define your industry for better searchability.

5. Company Size: Give potential clients an idea of your team’s scale.

6. Specialties: Highlight specific areas of expertise that differentiate you.

7. Products/Services: Clearly outline the solutions you provide.

By providing a comprehensive and informative company page, you not only improve your SEO but also create a positive first impression on potential clients and partners visiting your profile.

#3. Inconsistent Posting and Engagement:

Avoid Inconsistent Posting and Engagement

Imagine a bustling marketplace filled with vendors hawking their wares. But some stalls remain eerily silent, with no interaction or updates. This lack of activity can make potential customers hesitant to engage. The same principle applies to your LinkedIn company page.

Many businesses create a company page but then fail to maintain an active presence. They might post sporadically or neglect to respond to comments and inquiries, creating a sense of inactivity and disengagement.

How to Fix It:

#1. Develop a Content Calendar: Plan your content in advance to ensure consistent posting. Aim for at least 2-3 high-quality posts per week.

#2. Focus on Value-Driven Content: Don’t just promote your services. Share insightful industry articles, offer expert tips, or showcase company culture to establish thought leadership and attract a wider audience.

#3. Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments and messages promptly. Participate in relevant group discussions and answer industry questions to demonstrate your expertise and foster meaningful connections.

#4. Leverage Employee Advocacy: Encourage your employees to share company content on their own LinkedIn profiles. This can significantly expand your reach and build brand trust through a network of trusted voices.

Additionally, create a content calendar specifically tailored for LinkedIn. This can help you plan a diverse mix of engaging content formats, including articles, videos, images, and polls, to keep your audience interested and coming back for more.

By establishing a consistent posting schedule, engaging with your audience, and leveraging employee advocacy, you can transform your LinkedIn company page from a static storefront to a vibrant hub of thought leadership and community engagement.

#4. Ignoring Visual Content:

In today’s fast-paced digital world, attention spans are shorter than ever. Text-heavy content can struggle to capture attention and leave a lasting impression. This is where the power of visuals comes into play.

Many companies underestimate the impact of visuals on LinkedIn. They might rely solely on text-based updates, neglecting the power of images, infographics, and videos to grab attention and enhance engagement.

How to Fix It:

#1. Incorporate High-Quality Images: Eye-catching visuals are key to stopping the scroll and drawing viewers into your content. Use high-resolution images relevant to your post topic.

#2. Embrace Video Content: Video is a powerful storytelling tool. Share explainer videos showcasing your services, highlight company culture with team videos, or offer industry insights through video interviews. Learn how to transform your videos with video editing.

#3. Optimize Visuals for LinkedIn: Ensure your images and videos are sized appropriately for the platform and optimized for fast loading times.

Here is an actionable tip: Explore resources on creating compelling visuals for social media. Explore user-friendly online tools like Canva, Adobe Spark, or Visme. These platforms offer extensive libraries of free and premium templates specifically designed for social media. With drag-and-drop features, intuitive interfaces, and built-in stock photos, you can easily create high-quality images, infographics, and even short videos to elevate your LinkedIn content without needing advanced design skills.

By incorporating a healthy mix of visuals alongside your text-based content, you can significantly boost engagement on your LinkedIn page. Remember, visuals are a powerful language that can communicate complex ideas quickly and effectively, leaving a lasting impression on your audience.

#5. Underutilizing Analytics:

Imagine driving a car blindfolded – you might reach your destination eventually, but it wouldn’t be the most efficient or effective way to travel. The same applies to your LinkedIn SEO strategy. Without data and analytics, it’s difficult to truly understand what’s working and what needs improvement.

Many businesses fail to leverage LinkedIn’s built-in analytics tools. They might post content but neglect to track its performance, missing valuable insights into audience engagement and reach.

How to Fix It:

#1. Track Key Metrics: LinkedIn analytics provides data on impressions, clicks, engagement (likes, comments, shares), and follower demographics. Regularly monitor these metrics to understand what content resonates with your audience.

#2. Analyze Performance: Use data to identify high-performing content formats and topics. This can help you refine your content strategy and tailor it to your audience’s preferences.

#3. Optimize for Improvement: Don’t just track data, use it to inform future strategies. A/B test different headlines, visuals, and posting times to see what drives the most engagement.

Familiarize yourself with the basics of interpreting LinkedIn analytics. Many resources and guides are available online to help you understand the data and translate it into actionable insights for optimizing your LinkedIn SEO strategy.

By actively utilizing LinkedIn analytics, you can gain valuable insights into your audience’s behavior and content preferences. This data-driven approach allows you to continuously refine your strategy and ensure your company page is delivering the most impactful content for your target audience.

#6. Neglecting Company Updates:

Imagine a news channel that only broadcasts in-depth documentaries but lacks quick, attention-grabbing news updates. Viewers might miss important breaking stories. The same principle applies to your LinkedIn company page. While long-form content is valuable, short and frequent company updates can keep your audience engaged.

Many companies solely focus on publishing long-form content like articles, neglecting the power of short and frequent company updates. They might miss opportunities to share newsworthy tidbits about their company, creating gaps in audience engagement.

How to Fix It:

Incorporate short, bite-sized updates alongside your longer content pieces. Here’s how:

#1. Share Company News: Announce exciting new projects, team member achievements, industry awards, or company milestones.

#2. Highlight Company Culture: Offer a glimpse into your company culture with behind-the-scenes photos or team member spotlights.

#3. Post Industry Insights: Share relevant quotes, statistics, or quick tips related to your industry.

#4. Pose Questions: Encourage engagement by asking thought-provoking questions related to your field.

These updates can keep your audience informed and engaged in between larger content pieces.

#7. Ignoring Showcase Pages:

Think of LinkedIn Showcase Pages as dedicated display windows for specific aspects of your business. They offer a targeted way to showcase your expertise and attract a more focused audience. However, some companies might overlook this valuable tool.

Businesses might miss out on the benefits of Showcase Pages by neglecting to create them. These dedicated pages allow you to delve deeper into specific departments, products, or initiatives, showcasing your expertise in a targeted way.

How to Fix It:

 Take advantage of LinkedIn Showcase Pages. Here’s how:

#1. Identify Relevant Areas: Pinpoint specific departments, products, or initiatives that would benefit from a targeted showcase.

#2. Craft Compelling Content: Develop targeted content relevant to your chosen showcase theme.

#3. Grow Your Audience: Promote your Showcase Pages through your main company page and encourage employees to share them with their networks.

Showcase Pages can be a powerful tool for establishing thought leadership in specific industry segments.

#8. Failing to Track Conversions:

Avoid failing to track conversions

Ultimately, the goal of your LinkedIn SEO strategy is to translate your online presence into tangible business results. While increased visibility and engagement are important metrics, some companies might neglect to track the most crucial aspect: conversions.

Many businesses focus solely on vanity metrics like follower count or post impressions, neglecting to track conversions generated through their LinkedIn presence. This lack of data makes it difficult to understand how their efforts translate into real business outcomes.

How to Fix It:

Set clear conversion goals for your LinkedIn strategy and track them effectively. Here’s how:

#1. Define Conversion Goals: Determine the desired actions you want visitors to take on your LinkedIn page (e.g., website visits, lead generation, event registrations).

#2. Utilize UTM Parameters: Attach UTM parameters to your LinkedIn posts to track website traffic generated from your page.

#3. Leverage Lead Gen Forms: Utilize LinkedIn’s lead gen forms to capture leads directly on your company page.

#4. Analyze Data Regularly: Monitor your conversion metrics and use the data to refine your strategy for maximum ROI.

By tracking conversions, you can refine your strategy to maximize the return on investment (ROI) of your LinkedIn efforts.

Advanced LinkedIn SEO Techniques for Power Users

Mastered the basics of LinkedIn SEO and hungry for more? This section dives into advanced techniques to help you push the boundaries of your company page’s reach and impact.

#1. Leverage Employee Advocacy Programs: Imagine your entire team promoting your company content. Employee advocacy programs do just that! By encouraging employees to share your updates on their personal LinkedIn profiles, you can significantly expand your reach and amplify your brand message. Develop a program with clear guidelines and incentives to motivate employee participation.

#2. Build Relationships with Influencers: Industry influencers hold significant sway on LinkedIn. Identify relevant influencers in your space, connect with them, and explore collaboration opportunities. Highlight their content on your page, co-author an article, or participate in a live video session. Building relationships with influencers can expose your brand to a wider, targeted audience.

#3. Engage in LinkedIn Groups: LinkedIn Groups are vibrant online communities focused on specific industries or topics. Actively participate in relevant groups by sharing insights, answering questions, and engaging in discussions. By positioning yourself as a helpful expert, you establish thought leadership within these communities and attract potential clients or partners.

#4. Optimize for LinkedIn Search Suggestions: Did you know your company page can appear in search suggestions when users type in relevant keywords? Optimize your company description and content with strategic keywords to increase your chances of showing up in these suggestions. This can drive organic traffic to your page and enhance overall visibility.

#5. Utilize Paid Advertising Options: While organic SEO is powerful, consider LinkedIn’s paid advertising options to supercharge your reach. Target specific demographics, interests, and job titles to ensure your content reaches the ideal audience. Paid advertising can be a strategic tool to complement your organic SEO efforts and achieve targeted marketing goals.

By incorporating these advanced techniques, you can significantly enhance your LinkedIn SEO strategy and unlock the full potential of your company page. Remember, consistency, valuable content, and strategic engagement are key to maximizing your impact on this influential professional platform.


Congratulations! There you have it! We’ve explored some of the most common LinkedIn SEO mistakes businesses make, along with advanced techniques to push your strategy even further. By identifying and rectifying these pitfalls, you can significantly improve your company page’s visibility, engagement, and ultimately, achieve your business goals on LinkedIn.

Key Takeaways:

  • Strategic keyword optimization is crucial for ensuring your target audience finds your company page.
  • A comprehensive and informative company page creates a positive first impression and builds trust with potential clients.
  • Consistent posting, audience engagement, and utilizing a content calendar are essential for maintaining a vibrant and active online presence.
  • Leveraging visual content like images and videos can significantly boost engagement and capture attention.
  • Utilizing LinkedIn analytics provides valuable data to refine your content strategy and optimize your SEO efforts.
  • Advanced techniques like employee advocacy programs, influencer marketing, and LinkedIn Group participation can further amplify your reach and establish thought leadership.
  • Paid advertising options can be strategically employed alongside organic SEO to target specific audiences and achieve marketing goals.

Don’t let these common mistakes hold your company page back! Take action today. Implement the tips outlined in this post, and watch your LinkedIn SEO soar. Remember to share your experiences and ask questions in the comments below. We’re here to help you unlock the full potential of your LinkedIn presence and become a true LinkedIn SEO leader.

By consistently creating valuable content, engaging strategically with your audience, and leveraging these powerful techniques, you can transform your company page into a magnet for attracting leads, fostering connections, and achieving your business objectives on this influential professional platform.

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